Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Go F-yourself

I am the worst wife in the world. My body is falling apart. Apparently it's harder on your body to have a baby in your 30's rather your mid 20's; or at least is is for this mama. My hands and fingers are now numb, and my elbows feel like I permanently hit my funny bone. My vag and bum are so full of varicose veins that I can't go #2 without filling the bowl with blood and it hurts so bad. I take extra fiber and stool softeners and it's still excruciating.

So this morning I wake up, go pee and chug 20 ounces of water because I woke up super thirsty. I return to the bedroom, our daughter wakes up and asks me to turn on a cartoon, so I oblige, and take her out to the living room. I again return to my bedroom to find Jude watching buxom blondes naked parade or some stupid shit on his laptop. At this point, I don't even care. Instead of climbing back in to bed, I grab my phone off the charger and pretend I don't know what he's up to. As I am shuffling away (I can't really pick my feet off the floor because it hurts my butt) he says "this is your job you know". I tell him that I'm not trying to be mean but I am in excruciating pain, and I can't even take a poo and was gonna go soak in the tub so I could relax and MAYBE  I could help him out later. He has no sympathy. He never asks what he can do for me. His response? "Your mouth still works". What a DICK.


  1. Hell no. Drummer and I went the porn watching route. If he wants them so badly he get get the f*ck out of your house till he learns some respect. I'm sorry, this subject pisses me the F*CK off. He has no f*cking respect for you. What a sh*t head. I mean honestly, you are pregnant and in pain and the little whiny b*tch thinks it's OK to disrespect you by looking at porn and then blame you for his infidelity? Hell to the no!

    Seriously, kick him out. You'd have so much less stress going on in your life if he was gone. What an a$$hole! Uhg! Sorry, this subject and I are not on good terms... at all. I have no respect for any man who looks at porn and then blames his wife for his wandering eyes. God, kick him in the balls, then punch him in the man-boob. Then throw his sh*t out on the lawn. GRRG!!!

    Penny- You have permission to delete this comment, it is written out of my initial response to your post.

  2. It's OK. I appreciate someone being on MY SIDE for once. I can't kick him out, his parents own our house and he's a spoiled brat. Arrg. I wish he'd have some sympathy.
