Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So I was supposed to go see my diabetic educator this morning. I didn't wanna go. I hate driving across town for a 15 minute appointment. I ended up oversleeping anyway. I never sleep through alarms or phone calls but this morning I did both. I missed a call from my mom. Her grandma (my great and Lucy and  Lizzy's GREAT GREAT) passed away early this morning. She was 96 and AMAZING! She came from Oregon to California on a Covered Wagon when she was a child. Seriously amazing. I will miss her. I last  saw her in June for her birthday. She enjoyed pink champagne birthday cake and a bottle of beer with a twisty straw. <3 Love you Grandma "Ra-Ra".

1 comment:

  1. I remember when my great-grandma, Great Grandma Rose, died. She was 91, almost 92 and I was about 12. An amazing woman. The first daughter we have we're giving her the middle name Rose. All I remember about grandma is that she liked cross word puzzles and had a foot stool I played with when I was a little baby.

    Your great-grandma sounded like she was fun, and pink champagne cake is uh-mayzing! So are twisty straws!

    PS I hope you and your hubby do fine soon as well. It's amazing how much stress a pregnancy can add to a relationship. Just as odd are the cycles that all marriages go through. Good luck, and I hope your family heals from this loss soon.
