Saturday, October 23, 2010

Crazy tired

I tend to not sleep when I am looking forward to something. We are going to visit my family this afternoon. It's about a 3-31/2 hour drive through the mountains to the coast on th other side. I was up til 2:30 being anxious and fretting about the rain (first rain of the season), and then I woke up at 5:30, got Jude up at 6 (and he worked til midnight) so that he could be back at work at 7. He's working a half shift today. He usually drives himself but he wanted me to pick him up so we can head straight for the highway and get the heck outta here. Pray for a safe trip; this 2 lane mountain highway always makes me nervous. I am driving; my city slicker husband is not used to mountain driving and he terrifies me. As for now, Lucy and I are going back to sleep for a few hours.

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