Friday, October 22, 2010

I slept last night

I broke down and took a unisom last night, at the encouragement of my OB because I have insomnia (not to mention I pee every 20 min). I still woke up to pee but every 2 hours. Lucy slept in her own space (on the floor in our room in a sleeping bag {she is still afraid to sleep in her bedroom alone, as she shared a room  and bed with us at our apartment}) until 6am. We have lived in our new house for 2 months and I couldn't be happier. The seasons are shifting and Jude wasn't as much as a jerk last night. At least he said thanks for the house being clean when he came home last night. Tomorrow we are going on a small weekend trip to visit my family about 3 hours away. I am looking forward to it, just not the drive through the steep windy mountains to get to the Coast on the other side.

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